LNG – A Catalyst for Development or Inequality in Papua New Guinea?

In March 2018, I was invited by the University of Melbourne to present a paper on Uneven Capital Flows at the Conference on New Geographies of Global Inequalities and Social Justice.  It was an inter-disciplinary conference aimed at generating new knowledge about enduring and emerging forms of inequality and injustice, and contribute to public debate…

Investments in future costs fueling provincial inequality

The O’Neill Government’s spending on “awe and envy” NCD infrastructure with poor net returns whilst allowing our rural people to languish in hardship from drying funds for much needed goods and services betrays the deficit of the O’Neill government not only in public finances but also in its morals. The cost of the very large new NCD roads exceeds the annual revenue for all those provinces outside NCD and Morobe. This gives perspective to the gross inequity and misallocation of resources.

Protecting the front line of public service delivery

Whilst the significant increase in access to basic education is commendable this seems to have come at the cost of quality of education. The surge in enrollments has not been matched by a commensurate funding increase to support additional school infrastructure, materials and teacher development training. Now the Government expects teachers to suffer a real cut to their wages despite their teaching burden doubling. An erosion in the quality education will have profound effects at a personal and national level.