With due respect to my Member for Madang Hon. Bryan Krammer, I disagree with some of his strategies for Madang’s socio-economic development, particularly his recent announcement to stall the PMIZ as per his post titled “Madang PMIZ Project Will Be a No Go Project”.

Bryan, PNG loves you and you have the highest social media following for being our first ever vocal and transparent corruption fighter in the house of Parliament.  We are all proud of you and appreciate you.

But I think you have gone too far with some of your strategies and tactics.  You’ve lost the plot.

Your loyal Facebook followers have now become a virtual gang that attack anyone and everyone, even with vulgar and defamatory words, if they express a view that is contrary to yours.   

I am a constituent of your District.  My family voted for you.  I campaigned for you from across the Gogol River at Dogia to Tapo as we share boundaries and people tend to vote on both sides.     

I wear my heart on my sleeve.  I don’t sugar coat things.  So I’m gonna express my honest brutal views.  You’re a leader, so I will wait to see how you will respond.   


During the MTDP III forum at the Madang Resort Hotel in July 2018, we had good discussions around Madang’s economic development agenda and major infrastructures that will give a boost to that.  Madang leaders, civil society organizations and public servants attended.  Unfortunately, none of our MPs were present, except Governor Yama.

The PMIZ is a big ticket item that has the potential to not only transform the economy of Madang through capital investments, associated infrastructure developments, increased internal revenue and creation of 30,000 jobs, but the economy of the country.

Madang has too many unemployed youths wandering the streets smoking drugs, drinking home brew and causing law & order problems.  What strategies do you have for their long-term employment? 

Madang’s current internal revenue is around K25 million.  The PMIZ is expected to significantly increase that.  With the Madang PEC now banning alcohol for 4 years, which will also affect tobacco revenue, our short-term internal revenue may drop to less than K 20 million.

The big ticket items like the PMIZ and Madang – Hagen Road will significantly increase our internal revenue.  It will also open up some of our rural areas for development. 

Transport and associated businesses will shift from Lae to Madang as it takes more than 24 hours to transport a container from Lae to Hagen.  From Madang it will be less than 10 hours.  This will significantly reduce the cost of doing business.

Morobe Province has an average internal revenue of K220 million.  The Lae port as gateway to the Highlands economy contributes significantly to this source of revenue.


The PMIZ project is one of National Alliance-led Government’s major impact project.  NA negotiated a loan with China’s Exim Bank and started the work.  The design, earthworks and construction of the fencing was done during their time.  You have correctly pointed that out.

The loan of US$ 95 million from the China Exim Bank had lapsed.  GoPNG didn’t draw down the loan because of the Court Order.  Hon. Jim Kas when Governor re-negotiated the project with the landowners and the National Government, thus the renegotiated (but increased) loan of US $156 million.

It is very good that you acknowledged that the project is “a white elephant for the rats in Waigani to squander millions in public funds”. 

The matter is now for you to investigate your National Alliance colleagues in the Opposition.  The Opposition Leader Hon. Patrick Pruaitch, who was former Treasurer, should have all the information.

Please swiftly investigate and tell us in whose pockets the K30 million for the design, earthworks and construction of the fence ended up in.    

I guess NA-led Government also approved the environment plan, like what they did for Ramu Nickel.  We took the Ramu Nickel one to Court, which the Court ruled that it was a public and private nuisance and unconstitutional.  Investigate them on that, too.


The Catholic Church was the owner of the Vidar land where PMIZ is located.  It sold the land to RD Tuna Canners.   

I can confirm that during my IRC days, I did some audit work on RD Group of Companies.  The land was one of their assets.  They wanted to plant cocoa on it.  Then rice.  They asked for approval for Tax Credit to do that, which we disallowed.  I was instrumental in the tax credit refusal because RD was doing transfer pricing on their fish, in contrary to their Agreement with the State.  I charged them K millions!      

Anyway, the truth is the State bought the 250 hactres PMIZ land from RD Tuna Canners Limited on purely commercial termsThe State is now the legal owner and landlord.

Madang needs the PMIZ project to get going ASAP.  There are no new major impact projects in the Province.  Our local economy has declined as unemployment increases.  We need industrial growth in the province.  What alternative do you have for us?


Whilst I agree with the issue of transparency, please don’t use the PMIZ issue for political reasons.  The people who know about the whereabouts of the initial funds are right there with you in the Opposition or giving advice from the outside. 

It’s easier to blame the current Government, whilst some of these leaders act like saints.  They want to install a new Government, but look at their legacy.  Please swiftly start with those in your own camp and investigate where the   K 30 million from this “white elephant” has gone to.


About the loans, we’ve seen Port Moresby and other provinces transformed by Chinese loan money.  Why can’t we Madang also have our share and build our infrastructure?  After all, we host the Chinese biggest project – the MCC.

Let’s get our industrial growth going.  Let’s position ourselves to make Madang a strategic economic hub, make money and of course we’ll contribute to the nation’s coffers to repay the loans.

We the people of Madang will not allow you to carry on and on, and deprive us of part-taking equally in development.  Work with the Government on the PMIZ!

Ol Madang save tok “soim han mak”.  Word on the streets of Madang is “em Memba blong Facebook”.  Soim sampla han mak, in small things like building proper markets and toilet facilities for women and their babies at Mildas, Sagalau, Balasigo, Matupi, etc.     


It’s hypocritical you raised the issue about the NCD Governor Powes Parkkop in your article when you can’t do the same about Madang. 

A clear example – MULLG is under your Madang District Development Authority, which you are the Chairman of the Board.  DDA is not a level of Government but a Service Delivery Mechanism.     

Why is MULLG defunct and not performing its Town Council services?  Why is MULLG not transparent with its revenues?  Why are you not speaking up for the illegal PEC that Madang has?    

There are hardly any rubbish bins in town, for goodness sake.  I’ve raised this issue since 2016 when I moved to Matupi.  The rubbish truck does not collect our rubbish regularly.  People are dumping all their household and industrial rubbish into the sea at Kalibobo, Masin Gan and I confess my guilt of dumping rubbish into the Gogol River. 

The Mildas Market just outside the Provincial Government Building is a pigsty and health hazard.  It’s a shame!     

You are talking about environment issues but what about what is currently happening under your own leadership and domain of influence as Member for Madang?  

Why can’t you invest the same amount of energy and zeal for dealing with Madang issues, instead of cherry-picking issues to feed your followers appetite and manipulate our minds to gain political mileage on Facebook?


If you’re leading the war to remove Prime Minister Peter O’Neill, refine your strategies and work towards 2022 where your party can have more members.  Don’t raise people’s hope and dash them.

So far, we haven’t seen your strategies and plans for an alternate Government.  Your Opposition Leader has not issued Prime Ministerial statements, documenting what exactly is that you’re gonna do about “the sinking MV PNG”.  You haven’t told us what to expect from you when you change the Government.

What is your Opposition Leader’s vision for the country?

I can already image the type of swearing and bad language you guys will throw at me for these brutal words.  Your social media German Sheppards are will go loose with their sharp teeth. 

All good. That’s my honest opinion and the truth, my Member.  True leaders will accept the challenge.

One of your quote is “A measure of great leadership is not in the ability to lead but in the humility to serve“. Madang is our provincial capital which you are the MP.  You and Governor give us option A, B, C on socio-economic development and the strategies for making Madang a great province. Have the humility to serve us your gifts and talents, not always fighting all the battles.

I also suggest you work with the Government on the PMIZ and get it off the ground.  We the people of Madang want Development, not Politics.

Aria, Gawai Mok!

2 thoughts on “Madang Needs PMIZ To Go Ahead: BK Stop The Politics”

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